Sebastian pic

Sebastián Lojo (1989) is a director and cinematographer born in Guatemala City. Since graduating with distinction from the London Film School, Sebastián has dedicated himself to filming feature films and short films in countries such as Malaysia, Lebanon, Canada, Italy, United Kingdom, United States, Guatemala and Turkey.

Los Fantasmas, his first feature film as a director, was the first Guatemalan film to have ever premiered as part of the Bright Future Competition at the Rotterdam International Film Festival (IFFR – 2020). His work has been selected to various film festivals including Berlin Critics’ Week (2020), Festival of Cartagena de las Indias (FICCI – 2020), Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF – 2020) and Guadalajara International Film Festival (FICG – 2020).

He currently works as a lecturer at Southampton Solent University in the United Kingdom. He is also in the development stage of his second feature film: Trucha Panza Arriba, which has been selected to participate in Proyecta, the development section of Ventana Sur, the prestigious Latin American Film Market.